About Us

Habitat Channel is a next generation, data rich digital communications network delivering high frequency content in a way that greatly enhances the resident experience.

The screens broadcast live news, sport, business + weather as well 3rd party advertising and important building messages, local council + community notices and cutting edge digital art.

They also provide an opportunity to engage and promote local community and businesses.

Habitat has successfully deployed 250 screens with commitments for 400 by December 2024.

A larger, long term expansion is planned, targeting more than 2500 screens nationally.

Building Portal

Building managers can upload notices to their screens using a variety of provided templates.

Managers can control how long the notice is active, edit existing notices, or prepare drafts for future notices.

habitat channel building portal

Digital Art


The aim of our content is to ensure residents are engaged with our screens on a dally basis. We achieve this by running a content loop consisting of 12 slots displayed for 7 seconds each.

The loop consists of the latest news and sport provided by various news sources, and up to date weather information.

Additionally, through partnerships and curators we display cutting edge digital art and custom content which adds to the premium experience of the Habitat network.


The exclusive and only provider of digital out-of-home, in home.

The power to influence decisions right at the last moment before home.
To reach this highly engaged audience with a unique mindset for advertisers, please contact us for more details.

The exclusive and only provider of digital out-of-home, in home.